Status modification

Status modification

  • Expert advice for your project
  • Registering your activity
  • Registration from INSEE
  • Registering at URSSAF
  • Opening account
  • Business Plan template
  • Invoice template
  • Document preparation for prefecture's appointment
  • Booking an appointment


  • Expert advice for your project
  • Registering your activity
  • Registration from INSEE
  • Registering at URSSAF
  • Opening account
  • Professionally written Business Plan
  • Assistance writting first invoice
  • Document preparation for prefecture's appointment
  • Booking of an appointment
  • Next year appointment booking
  • Next year renewal documents preparation


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I'm a foreign student, I'll get my diploma this year. Can I change my residency permit to be independent?

Students can change to the residency permit "entrepreneur/profession libérale". Our advice is to anticipate. You'll have to time correctly between the end of your academic year, the reception of the diploma and the beginning of the work to build a strong case. You'll need at least 3 months to prepare for this residency permit. Please contact us to talk about your specific project.

I'm a foreign student and I want to change my residency permit into "entrepreneur/profession libérale". My diploma will be given later, what can I do?

For this specific case, we'll first help you get a temporary residency authorization. This authorization requires an attestation of successful studies from your university.

I'm a student and I work part-time. My employer wishes I create an independent activity like "auto-entrepreneur" or "profession libérale" so he can freelance me. Is it possible?

If you're in France with a student residency permit, you cannot work as a freelancer. If you want to create your activity you must have the appropriate residency permit and it will require you to do that activity full time.

I PACS-ed myself for a year already. Can I ask VPF permit?

It is possible, but it depends on your specific profile. Please contact us to talk about it.

I want to get an employee residency permit. Is it mandatory to sign a CDI?

To change for this type of permit, it is better to sign a CDI. But a 1-year CDD is also possible however, the success chances are much lower.

I have a 4-year employee residency permit. Can I ask for a residency permit for independents?

No problem!

I have an independent's residency permit. I want to get a 10-year residency card. Is it possible?

We can help you ask this 10-year card if your profile meets with all the necessary conditions. Please contact us to discuss your project.

I want to ask a shopkeeper permit. Is it possible?

It is possible, directly contact our team to talk about your project.